Sustainability and environment

New Zealand’s most sustainable airport terminal

Tairāwhiti’s terminal was designed using the principles of the Living Building Challenge. It’s energy and water neutral, and is Aotearoa’s greenest airport terminal. Innovative features include solar panels, rainwater harvesting and rammed earth walls. Gisborne Airport has sister companies Eastland Port, and Eastland Generation. 

Restoring our environment

As well as our commitment to sustainability with the design and build of the airport terminal, we have joined with community groups and mana whenua to help restore the surrounding environment. The environment is an important focus for our company and the communities of Tairāwhiti.

Since 2019, students and the community have been gradually planting thousands of native shrubs, flaxes and grasses along the Waikanae Stream, which flows through the airport precinct. Together, they’re helping to restore the awa and improve the water quality, while learning about the local taiao/environment and the history of the area.

The long-term goal is to see abundant bird and insect life, and fish species such as inanga whitebait).